
Jon Woodhead

Director, Challenge Sustainability

Jon Woodhead is a recognised expert in sustainability strategy, reporting and assurance, with over 25 years’ experience of sustainability and corporate responsibility management consulting and assurance. Jon’s recent experience includes work with Asia Pulp and Paper, ArcelorMittal, POSCO, Hyundai Steel, Tata Steel, Kobe Steel, Thyssenkrupp, Waelzholz, Spirax Sarco Engineering, H2GreenSteel, Swiss Steel Group, Airbus, VEON, and Renishaw. He has worked at Board level with many of the above companies, advising on sustainability strategy development and integration with core business objectives. He has specific expertise in the steel sector, advising and providing assurance over data and claims, for example relating to ‘green steel’.   He is a Member of the Responsible Steel Assurance Panel, and Responsible Steel Technical Advisory Group.


Jon has an M.Sc. in Environmental Impact Assessment, and began his career in the mid-1990s working with companies including British Airways and Unilever on global environmental reporting and assurance projects. After co-founding the consultancy CSR Network in 1999, Jon spent 10 years working with a range of multinational clients and other organisations on sustainability challenges including Amerada Hess, Arcelor Mittal, Balfour Beatty, Bechtel, BG Group and BP.  In 2009 Jon became one of the four founding Group Directors of the ground -breaking boutique consultancy, Two Tomorrows. Jon was responsible for the company's European operations, where he led much of Two Tomorrows work on corporate social and environmental strategies, benchmarking, assurance, evolution of management and governance arrangements, and communication strategies.  In 2012, Two Tomorrows was acquired by DNV.  Jon now acts as a subcontractor to DNV on specific projects.

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